Monday, July 25, 2011

Weigh in Day, Weekly Stats and Plan

Happy  Monday!!  Let's get right to it.

Last week I only tracked Monday through Thursday...and didnt track everything, so I'm not sure of the exact calorie intake, however I only went to the gym once, and burned 640 calories.

In addition to my over eating, and lack of gym time...  I had a long weekend away with my girlfriends and was not wanting to step on the scale today.   For valid reason, because as you can see....

I'm up exactly 4 lbs from last week.    Granted - I know it's not all "actual" weight...  Some of it's real I'm sure of that,  but some is water retention from all the alcohol I drank too.

This was breakfast.... and lunch....   24oz fruity concoctions...

And this was what I ate both days...  Lay's Stax.  They're my snack of choice when drinking... 

I'd love to tell you that I'm getting back on track today and hitting the gym to start my week off the right way, but honestly... it's not happening.  I have a crap ton of laundry to do, and some grocery shopping.  Tonight will be a night in doing those things, and I'll get back to it tomorrow.

No worries though.. I've kept my eating in check today.   I had oatmeal with 1/2 sliced banana for breakfast, and a spring salad with balsamic and 1 cup of Organic Black bean soup from Trader Joes for lunch.

Afternoon snack was a piece of a cookie cake.. it was in the break room and it was calling my name. 

Not sure about dinner this evening... I'll grab something to cook at the grocery store and call it a night.

Have a good day kids!

1 comment:

  1. Cute suit sweetie....glad you had a good time....those pounds will fall off agian...
