Friday, August 26, 2011

For my Banded Babes

I don't use SparkPeople, but once upon a time I signed up for it so I continue to get their articles.  Most of them are just the same ol same ol mumbo jumbo nutrition crap, but this one was pretty good.    I thought of my banded friends!

Stop and Chew Your Food

Also - I wanted to share with you all what I found at the grocery store this week.

I LOVE the sandwich thins, but being a banded gal, I cant really tolerate too much bread-y type things...  So when I saw these I was excited!!!   1 mini thin is only 50 calories!!  I like mine toasted, topped with chicken salad, or tuna salad and little sprinkle of cheese.  YUM!

Happy Friday kids!   Have a great day!


  1. I love these! The Thins gave me a lot of new options in my food choices that I didn't have before.

  2. You are awesome...I will look for these. Love the new picture at the top.
