When I first get to the gym I always start with cardio. Now there have been several discussions and articles related to what to do first: Cardio or Strength Training. I'm here to tell you that for almost 3 years now, Ive been doing cardio first, then weights, and it has worked for me. I'm not saying the other way is wrong, I just know what works for ME. SO - if you prefer doing weights first, by all means. As long as you're getting up and moving at all, you'll make some progress and see results. Promise.
Anyway -
I always start with cardio because #1 - it gets my heart rate up to where I want it to be, and then it'll stay up during my strength training, and #2 - mainly because I hate cardio and would rather just get it done and over with. LOL Okay - so I dont "hate" cardio, but I'd much rather lift weights than do some boring elliptical.
Moving on...
For my upper body I do a combination of bicep/tricep/back/shoulder exercises.
A few of my favorites are
Over Head Extension
(8 lb weight, 3 sets of 10 reps per arm) I dont use both arms at the same time.
Tricep Dips
I do a set of 15 dips in between EACH set of reps when I'm working my upper body. Example - after 10 arm overhead extensions, I do 15 dips, and then I repeat. I end up doing about 150 dips each time I work my upper body.
Tricep Kickbacks
Using 8 lb weights, I do 3 sets of 10 reps, again one arm at a time.
Bent Over Row
This works your back. Instead of hand weights, I use a barbell. The barbells are Golds are pre-set, which means that the weight is already added on them, so you dont have mess with building your own bar. When I do Bent Over Rows, I use a 30 lb barbell, and again 3 sets of 10 reps.
Reverse Fly (back)
I do these standing up, same stance used in my Bent Over Row...I use 8 - 10 lb weights, depending on the day. Some days I feel stronger than others. 3 sets of 10 reps.
Front Raise (shoulders)
Using 8 lb weights, I do one "front raise" then come down, and do one "side raise", bringing my arms out to the sides (sorry I dont have a picture for this) I repeat these for a complete set of 20. 10 reps of the front raise and 10 reps of the side raise. I do 3 sets of these, for a total of 60 reps.
Shoulder Press (shoulders)
10 lb weights, 3 sets of 10.
Bicep Curls (biceps)
I use 15 lb weights for these, and I do them standing. 3 sets of 10 reps.
In addition to my tricep dips, I also do 10 sumo squats in between each set. Example - 10 bicep curls, then I go into 15 dips, then 10 sumo squats, end of set 1. I then repeat, and go into set 2 of my bicep curls, repeat.
I hope this helps ladies!!!
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